Benzoyl peroxide benefits for acne in combination with HOCl

Benzoyl peroxide benefits for acne in combination with HOCl

What is acne and how does it develop?

While anyone can get acne, it tends to happen with individuals who produce more oils.  Acne can develop on the face from a substance called sebum. Sebum is responsible for helping improve your hair and skin.  The problem, some folks sometimes (depending on their genetics and ethnicity) can produce too much of it.  This is when it becomes a problem and can clog up pores and create skin irritations.  Bacteria can develop acne areas.

In addition to the bacteria, the breakout areas of acne come with inflammation. The inflammation and infection brews areas that become red, darker skin color, inflamed spots on your face.  Other than the face, it can show up on your back, shoulders, under chin area, chest, and other areas.

They can be itchy, and also could become quite painful because of the infection that is in these areas. This is why acne needs to be addressed as soon as you start seeing areas of inflammation.  Starting using an OTC product immediately—the first line of defense is a benzoyl peroxide face wash, gel or wipe.  

Don’t worry—there are various acne treatment options for any skin type

If you have been suffering from acne breakouts, there are a variety of options.  Many have the capability to target the problem and make you feel more confident in your own skin.  Knowing the basics about treatment options is essential.  And if OTC options don’t do the trick, a dermatologist can help with prescription orals and topical treatments.

What is benzoyl peroxide?

Benzoyl peroxide can come in many forms, most of the time a gel form works best to put on the face.  It is an antiseptic gel that helps eliminate bacteria and minimize acne.  Sometimes it can completely get rid of it.  It is also a prevention tactic for anyone suffering from acne.

This acne treatment is safe, effective and anyone should try it from mild to severe acne breakouts.  It can be highly beneficial and is best to try this approach along with other sprays and helpful acne treatments.  If it doesn’t work completely for you, there are prescription strength benzoyl spot treatments and washes for your face you can try several times a week for your acne.

Kinds of benzoyl peroxide:

There are different strengths of benzoyl peroxide and uses. The product ranges from 2.5% to 10%.  If you have problems with severe acne, like cystic acne, a higher strength is recommended. Higher strengths are typically going to be a prescription, so you will need to see your primary care doctor or find a dermatologist in your area.

Various forms and percentages of benzoyl peroxide are in them.

  • Face wash or cleansers
  • Gel form / spot treatments
  • Soap bars
  • Spray
  • Cream treatment

Benefits for acne using benzoyl peroxide

The treatment can be harsh if used too much—can dry out the skin, like many acne medications OTC and prescription strength.  This treatment is effective and doesn’t have severe side effects.  You can easily use it with other OTC products safely.

Using benzoyl peroxide gel or other products could irritate the skin if you over use it.  Only use it one or two times a week.  You can also use these products and safely use various vitamins, minerals and other supplements to help improve your skin by improving your immune system health.

Vitamins for healthier skin and gut health

Even if you believe certain problems with your acne are disappearing you should consider taking certain vitamins that can help improve your immune function, and target better hair and skin health.  Acne appears all over the face and can affect your forehead area near the hairline.

You can buy these supplements for oral treatment.  Taking them internally is even better because it addresses your body as a whole and your skin health with improve.  However, you can also buy various OTC creams, serums, oils, and salves that contain these vitamins and herbals. 

  • Vitamin A (skin health and wellness)
  • B complex (Skin, Hair, Nail health, and nervous system health, and immune function
  • Vitamin C (immune system health, high level antioxidants, rid of infections, lower inflammation)
  • Echinacea or Golden seal (immune system health, rid of various infections)
  • Vitamin E (Skin and immune health; can be taken orally or use as a facial oil)
  • Castor oil (can improve skin and help inflammation and address bacteria—topical only; only used internally typically for constipation and other GI issues—most people wont want to take this orally, however)
  • Olive oil (can be used topically to address inflammation on the skin; consuming more of this as a base in cooking various foods can improve diabetes and can improve skin because of this; diabetes can damage skin and damage nerve health which is why people need to take vitamin B and C regularly if they have the condition, in addition to having acne)
  • Vitamin D (skin and immune and bone health)
  • Caprylic acid (lower candida in body, and help prevent breakouts)
  • Turmeric or curcumin (to lower inflammation in body and on skin)
  • MSM (sulfur based supplement to help lower inflammation in body)
  • Evening primrose oil (this can help ladies; many times acne begins during puberty, this oil can also help with inflammation in the body and help improve the skin; can be sued as a gel capsule orally, or you can purchase an oil bottle, like vitamin E)

Benefits of using our PurClarity HOCL Revitalizing Mist and benzoyl peroxide

You can always try our HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist and use a benzoyl peroxide treatment each week.  They won’t cause any issues with each other.  Our mist is a perfect option to help treat and prevent acne breakouts because it is non-toxic just working to rid of bacteria you already have causing breakouts of acne areas, or can be a great way for prevention.

Then you can use your benzoyl peroxide cleaners, wipes, gels or whatever you have that works—either OTC or from a dermatologist.

The only suggestion is to make sure you are using some sort of hydration tool—like, a dermatologist supported, water based, non-toxic lotion from a skin care line to hydrate and keep skin from drying out and peeling. Peroxide treatments can cause the skin to dry out and peel.

Keeping your face clean—the first step to getting acne under control

Using other creams, sprays, gels or soaps can also help wash away oil and dead skin.  But, the very first step you need to do to start getting acne issues under control is, washing your face with a non-toxic skin friendly liquid or bar soap or cleanser for the face only.  This can really jump start the process for anyone who has a high production oil on the skin. Never skip a day to wash your face.  If you have a higher oil production and use make up also, you’ll want to wash your face in the morning and evening. 

Then do your benzoyl peroxide treatments each week along with our PurClarity HOCL Revitalizing Mist.