How Do You Get Rid Of Papulopustular Rosacea?

How Do You Get Rid Of Papulopustular Rosacea?

If you have been diagnosed with papulopustular rosacea and are looking for ways to get rid of it, read on to learn more about the condition and possible treatments.

What is Papulopustular Rosacea?

Papulopustular rosacea is a type of rosacea characterized by red bumps and pustules (bumps filled with pus). The skin condition can be confused with acne. The causes of papulopustular rosacea are not yet known, but researchers say that environmental and genetic triggers cause it.

The symptoms of Papulopustular rosacea are very similar to those of acne, which can result in misdiagnosis. For proper diagnosis, make sure to consult with a certified and experienced dermatologist.

Moreover, do not purchase and apply over-the-counter treatments without a diagnosis. The symptoms of acne and Papulopustular rosacea are very similar, but the treatments differ. Using the wrong medication can worsen the condition, so refrain from self-medication.

Symptoms of Papulopustular Rosacea

Papulopustular rosacea may look different on different skin types, but there are a few common symptoms. Here are the common symptoms of Papulopustular rosacea:

  • Papules (red bumps) and pustules (puss-filled bumps) that grow close together on the chin, cheeks, nose, and forehead.
  • The affected skin areas may feel irritated, itchy, or burning.
  • Flushing where people with light skin get a rosy red flush, while dark-skinned patients get a yellow or dusty brown flush.
  • Thickening of the skin on the nose results in rhinophyma.

Triggers for Papulopustular Rosacea

Doctors have never found the underlying cause of papulopustular rosacea. However, several triggers, which differ among individuals, cause papulopustular rosacea flare-ups and there are factors that worsen the condition.

These are the most common papulopustular rosacea triggers:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Spicy foods and hot drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures
  • High-intensity physical exercise
  • Certain medicines and supplements
  • Hot and cold weather
  • Skin care products that contain alcohol, menthol, fragrance, acids, essential oils, exfoliating agents, and any other harsh ingredients
  • People with H. pylori

All these factors may not trigger or worsen your papulopustular rosacea because skin types are different. Your triggers are unique; therefore, pay attention to what triggers you and get rid of them. For instance, reduce or stop the intake of alcohol if it triggers you, or put on sunscreen and wear hats if sunlight causes your rosacea to flare up.

How to Get Rid of Papulopustular Rosacea

If you have the symptoms above and you suspect it is papulopustular rosacea, you should visit your dermatologist before starting any form of treatment. Papulopustular rosacea needs a professional diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan because it is different for each patient.

There is no cure for papulopustular rosacea, but there are treatment options to reduce the symptoms and manage the condition. You can get rid of papulopustular rosacea following three treatment options, topical applications, oral medicines, diet change, or laser treatments.

1. Topical Treatments

Dermatologists prescribe topical anti-inflammatories and topical antibiotics to repair the damaged skin and constrain blood vessels to prevent further flushing.

PurClarity's Revitalizing Mist is among the top recommended anti-inflammatories because its main ingredient, Hypochlorous acid, has anti-inflammatory properties that help repair damaged skin and speed up its natural healing. For the best results, apply the Revitalizing mist twice daily and finish the dosage to see the results.

2. Oral Medicines

For severe papulopustular rosacea that does not improve with topical treatments, dermatologists prescribe low-dose oral antibiotics like Minocycline and Doxycycline. These antibiotics have been used for skin conditions for ages, but avoid buying them over the counter without a doctor's prescription. They might have worked for your friend but made things worse for you because skins are different.

3. Laser/Light Treatment

People with visible blood vessels find laser and light therapies helpful. They also reduce inflammation and reduce the redness in the skin as a result of flushing. For the best results, you must undergo several laser treatments. Most medical insurance policies do not cover laser treatments; therefore, be ready to pay for the services from your wallet.

4. Diet Change

A diet change may help reduce the symptoms and prevent future flare-ups if you are diagnosed with papulopustular rosacea. Although there is no specific diet suitable for people with rosacea, there are certain foods that improve or worsen the condition.

Some of the foods that help to reduce and manage the symptoms of papulopustular rosacea include:

  • Foods rich in healthy fats: eggs, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish, avocado, and soybeans.
  • Food that balance the gut microbiome: whole grains, leafy greens, fermented foods, fruits, vegetables, probiotic yogurts or drinks, chickpeas, almonds, garlic, and bananas.

Some foods worsen the symptoms of papulopustular rosacea and should be avoided at all costs. These include:

  • Alcohol
  • Hot drinks
  • Spicy foods
  • Some dairy products
  • Foods that contain cinnamaldehyde, like cinnamon, chocolate, citrus, and tomatoes

Suppose you realize that any food in your diet (even if not listed above) triggers your papulopustular rosacea symptoms. In that case, it is worth cutting it out of your diet and observing the difference.

Following these treatment options, you can manage papulopustular rosacea, but dermatologists recommend a consistent skincare routine using simple and gentle ingredients. In addition to your treatment option, apply sunscreen and a gentle moisturizer to your face daily. Also, identify and avoid your triggers.