How to reduce psoriasis on your face

Understanding skin condition: psoriasis
Psoriasis can be a tricky skin condition. It can appear anywhere on your skin. It is when skin cells multiply rapidly, and they leave patchy, flaky, and thick spots or sections that can be hard to rid of—especially when you don’t understand the root cause. The skin becomes rough and bothersome. It can become very itchy and even painful if rubbed or scratched too often.
The condition can develop for many reasons. Usually, it is because of a poor immune system, autoimmune system conditions, unbalanced gut bacteria (sometimes referred to as gut flora), medication side effects, environmental issues, infections (viral or bacterial), or a variety of other conditions as determined by your doctor.
The appearance of psoriasis can be:
- Flesh-colored, dark pink or reddish
- Scaly and flaky
- Thick patches (called plaques)
- May look like blisters, or just tougher areas of irritated skin
Potential causes of psoriasis
- Viral infections
- Bacterial infections
- Autoimmune system conditions or diseases
- Unhealthy immune system due to issues like leaky gut syndrome
- Unbalanced gut bacteria (you may need a probiotic, at least a 30 billion count to get started)
- Possibly a gene-related issue could be related to the development of the condition
- Typically, development could be a variety of conditions that affect the skin directly. However, it usually develops because of something internal, but not all the time
Possible trigger issues contributing to a psoriasis outbreak
Sometimes the environment outside, inside, where you live, work, or visit frequently could affect your immune system. This could cause an outbreak. Using cheap bath or make-up products with harsh chemicals could also support an environment for psoriasis to start on your face, neck or arms—or anywhere depending on your product.
Lack of sleep harms your immune function, which could be a stressor for the development of this skin problem. When you lower the various stressors, these kinds of stressors could lower your chances of getting extremely bothersome skin conditions.
Always keep your face clean, so you don't develop psoriasis.
Once you have your gut balanced with good bacteria, you ensure all your health conditions are in check and adequately cared for. Then, you can focus on a daily (morning, mid-day and night) routine for keeping your face, neck and shoulder area clean—mainly if you use different make-up and lotion or perfume or cologne products. These products to can create skin irritations and make psoriasis worse or cause other skin issues.
Steps for a clean face and end your routine with HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist
- Always wash your face to rid of dirt and excess oils
- Use a basic cleaner for your face: such as a facial cleanser soap bar or pump soap only designed for your face
- Pay dry
- Apply an essential lotion with no oils and parabens if you have dry skin
- Finish with our spray: HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist
Other ways to keep your skin healthy and reduce opportunities for acquiring psoriasis
You’ll always want to eat as healthy as possible. Eating a healthy, balanced diet full of fruits such as oranges and grapefruits (high in vitamin C, ultra skin health and gut health fruit), green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, asparagus), healthy fats (avocados, fish oils), nuts (provide various fats, amino acids, oils and B vitamins), and fish (omega 3s) and so on. These will give your immune system a boost and are all very healthy for your skin.
If you have a condition that causes immune system damage, make sure you take the right supplements, OTC, or other medications provided to you by your primary care doctor and dermatologist for your treatment regimen. Also, talk to a nutritionist to make sure you have a diet plan if your current one isn’t working for you.
Certain medications can cause depletions contributing to your skin issues—such as antibiotics, anti-fungal medications, proton pump inhibitors, and many others. These issues will typically present themselves as gut issues first or concurrently.
What HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist can do for you?
HOCL or hypochlorous acid is a product that is secreted from white blood cells as they fight infections in the body. HOCL can also be highly beneficial as a component that is perfect for skin care products and cleaning solutions for hospitals and even sprays used to clean our vegetables that have been exposed to harmful pesticides. It is the main ingredient in our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist, skin care spray and is superior, yet gentle. The product can keep your facial skin, germ free, clear and reduce chances of psoriasis break out.
Always wash your face regularly and make sure to eat healthily and keep up with any medical issues you have to keep a healthy gut—where psoriasis usually stems from to start with. The mist can become an essential tool in your skincare and skin health routine.
Vitamins and supplements for immune function, inflammation, nerve and skin health:
- Vitamin A
- B complex
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- NAC (high level antioxidant)
- Iron
- Zinc
- Caprylic acid capsules (anti-fungal issues in the body)
- Glucosamine and chondroitin (lower inflammation)
- Magnesium
- Quercetin (to lower inflammation, can also be used to improve allergies according to studies)
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- Coconut oil
Make sure all vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are high quality. Sometimes these can have additives or other packaging chemicals that could harm your immune system, skin health, or other organs. Get recommendations from your western medicine or alternative medicine doctor before purchasing these. In addition to taking certain immune system and anti-inflammatory supplements, consider a gluten-free diet—your diet just might be triggering psoriasis development.
Can a Gluten free diet help with psoriasis? The key is lowering inflammation.
Yes, it consuming a gluten-free diet could help improve psoriasis. This isn't the case for everyone. People with different GI conditions such as celiac disease or others that cause chronic inflammation (chronic gastritis/chrons/colitis or others) and chronic infectious conditions can always benefit from no gluten in their diet.
Other kinds of inflammatory diseases and conditions that are autoimmune, like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or psoriatic arthritis, can also benefit from all ways of lowering inflammation through eating—like consuming more dark green vegetables, reducing sugar intake, and other healthy dieting steps. Eating healthier is better for your entire body and your largest organ—your skin! Have your doctor monitor inflammatory and immune system markers to check your progress through blood work.
Allergies and GI issues could be the culprit of psoriasis and skin problems.
You could also get food allergy tests or a large scale test (usually done on your back), among other blood work at an allergy and immune system clinic. This could help determine why you have psoriasis as well. Many times, stool testing is effective for looking at GI health. Having an endoscopy or colonoscopy done by a gastroenterologist can also deter determine skin conditions, as biopsies can be taken.
While it could take a few doctor trips to better understand your skin issue condition, it is worth the investigation. But of course, always try less invasive approaches first, like using HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist.
Topical treatments for psoriasis that may work for you—but may not be the answer
Usually, a typical treatment for psoriasis can be: vitamin A retinoid (a synthetic version of A—this can be a cream, but could also be prescribed oral medication—called an oral retinoid), steroid creams (to lower inflammation on skin), salicylic acid (to kill bacteria on skin), calcipotriol (high form of vitamin D), coal tar shampoo and ointments, and a variety of other medications that you would need a prescription for to help with minor to mild to severe psoriasis. Immunosuppressants can also be used but can cause too many side effects and create potentially deadly infections causing more immune system harm. This wouldn't be a first line of defense against psoriasis.
Phototherapy could also be used when your doctor uses a UV ray directly on your skin. Different kinds of laser and light therapy could be used, such as narrowband, broadband, and Excimer. You can also try to sit out in sunlight more to help boost vitamin D levels to fight psoriasis. There are also medications called, Psoralen that is used in conjunction with UVA light therapy treatments.
Use the safer option for psoriasis, our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist
While some of these treatments might help initially, they aren't helping with the root cause and can also be harmful for the body, the long-term. If you don’t want a pharmaceutical treatment, try our safe and effective HOCL PurClarity Revitalizing Mist. This is a perfect way to tackle psoriasis on your face, neck, and eye lid areas. It can be used liberally on the face, any time of day.