How to treat ocular rosacea using Hypochlorous acid

How to treat ocular rosacea using Hypochlorous acid

Ocular rosacea is chronic and, if not attended to promptly, can affect a person's ability to see.


It has no cure, but fortunately, it is not life-threatening and causes eye irritations in minor cases.


Also, with the correct diagnosis and treatment that can relieve symptoms and knowing the particular triggers, this condition's impact is easily sustained.


Read on for more information on ocular rosacea symptoms, causes, treatments, and how you can use hypochlorous acid to provide relief.

How common is ocular rosacea?

Ocular rosacea, also known as subtype IV rosacea, is an inflammatory disease affecting the eyes and the surrounding skin.


On certain occasions, ocular rosacea can spread to the whole face and lead to skin rosacea.


Skin rosacea symptoms are likely to develop before the eye, vice versa, or simultaneously.


Generally, women experience skin rosacea more than men, but the ratio of ocular rosacea is equal for both, with the most prone age group being 50-60.


Despite a lot of research, it is primarily long-term or chronic with no particular cure, but its symptoms can be managed through treatments and avoiding specific triggers.


This condition may cause damage to the cornea, and the surface of the eye, particularly for people with dry eyes from tears evaporation or eyelid inflammation, although it affects everyone.


Additionally, people who tend to blush or flush their eyes easily are at higher risk of developing this condition.


Ocular rosacea poses the risk of developing eye-related problems such as:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Vision loss
  • Infection


Most people with mild ocular symptoms never have it diagnosed as they assume them to be contact lens problems or allergic reactions.


The signs and symptoms appear in and around the eyes, leaving them irritated, itchy, painful, and uncomfortable.


These signs and symptoms include:

  • Discoloration or redness around your eyes.
  • Stinging or a burning sensation
  • Itchy or watering eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Corneal ulceration
  • The crust on eyelids or eyelashes
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis).
  • Inflamed corneas (keratitis)
  • The perception of a foreign object in the eye or grittiness
  • Irritation around the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Swelling around your eyes.
  • Blood vessels dilation in the eyelids
  • Scaly debris among the eyelashes
  • Blocked and inflamed glands
  • Recurrent eye or eyelid infections, like chalazia and styes


It is important to consult a doctor immediately if you experience any of the above signs and symptoms, especially if they come back more than once.


This is essential as early diagnosis and treatment plans go a long way in managing this condition.

What causes ocular rosacea?

Unfortunately, the precise cause of ocular rosacea is unclear, but there is a recent link of it to helicobacter pylori bacteria, a bacteria that results in GI infections.


However, there are possible factors to ocular rosacea that could be linked, including:

  • Bacteria
  • Genetics
  • Blocked eyelid glands
  • Eyelash mites
  • Environmental irritants


Additionally, there are other factors that can result in flare-ups of this condition, such as:

  • Hot or spicy foods or beverages
  • Saunas or hot baths
  • Sunlight, extreme temperatures, or wind
  • Alcohol
  • Hot drinks and caffeine
  • Chocolate and cheese
  • Drugs such as cortisone creams
  • Certain emotions, like anger, embarrassment, or stress
  • Strenuous exercise

How do you treat ocular rosacea?

Diagnosis of Ocular Rosacea

Consult a doctor immediately to avoid potential vision problems at the first sign and symptoms of ocular rosacea.


They will need a detailed account of your medical history and recent symptoms or triggers to make a diagnosis properly.


Optometrists and ophthalmologists use microscopes to zoom in on glands and blood vessels, but most doctors diagnose by looking closely at the face.


Although there are no tests to diagnose ocular rosacea, in its early stages, it may be identified using tear function tests.


Ocular rosacea is often underdiagnosed when the patient has no evidence of skin rosacea; however, the two problems aren't distinctly exclusive.


The conditions are usually a pair; therefore, people with skin rosacea should ensure to have regular eye exams to keep track of their eye health.


Treatment of Ocular Rosacea

Identifying the ocular rosacea triggers and avoiding them is the best treatment because there is no particular cure for this condition.


Fortunately, treatments help control ocular rosacea, so the earlier the diagnosis, the faster the symptoms are weighed down.


Its treatment includes oral antibiotics of tetracycline (doxycycline) and macrolides (erythromycin) with a dosage of about six weeks for effectiveness or low-dose versions for more extended periods.


Alternatively, topical cyclosporine can be administered with results showing after three months of usage because it proves to be better than doxycycline and has fewer side effects.


Oral omega-3 fatty acid supplements will be beneficial for dry eyes while using warm compresses on the eyes during and after baths.


Over-the-Counter Treatment of Ocular Rosacea

Topical antibiotics or antiseptics like metronidazole, bacitracin, erythromycin, and azithromycin may be recommended by doctors.


Prescription eye drops with lipids (steroids) reduce inflammation in a few days. These prescriptions are only short-term as long-term can lead to cataracts and glaucoma.


Saline solutions for dry eyes can help lubricate the eye preventing cornea damage.


The treatments don't treat ocular rosacea but relieve its symptoms during flares for comfortability.


Natural and Home Remedies of Ocular Rosacea

Avoiding ocular rosacea triggers goes a long way when trying to manage its symptoms.


This can be done after diagnosis by keeping a list of triggers, following an eye care routine, and maintaining it after the condition clears to avoid frequent flare-ups.


Some steps to follow through include:

  • Use fragrance-free and non-oily types of makeup, and if possible, avoid makeup if you have inflamed eyes
  • Prevent flare-ups by keeping away from things that may worsen or cause ocular rosacea
  • A few times a week, use a warm compress on the eyes when you're experiencing symptoms to unblock glands and stabilise the tear film.
  • Gently wash your eyelids at least twice a day using warm water or doctor-recommended products.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses during flare-ups, mainly if symptoms include dry eyes.
  • Gentle massages of the eyelids may help free up clogged glands causing inflammation.
  • Ensure to follow the treatment plan from your doctor
  • Try supplementing your diet with flaxseed or fish oil, as it proves beneficial.

Why our Pristine HOCl is the natural and effective cure

Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) is created by white blood cells that defend the human body against injuries, pathogens, irritations, and bacteria, therefore, found naturally in the body


HOCL is entirely non-toxic to humans and can be used as a disinfectant.


Also, unlike other skin treatments that kill all bacteria on the skin, it retains beneficial ones to help the skin's microbiome balance to avoid skin conditions.


Rosacea has no particular treatment, but its management can be done with HOCL skin treatments as it relieves the skin's irritation leaving a healthy appearance.


Our PurClarity Pristine Lid and Lash Cleanser with HOCL spray are abundant in HOCL to help tone down your ocular rosacea.


HOCL works to manage this condition as it has properties such as:

  • The oxygen, salt, and water it contains help supply oxygen to irritated cells for rapid healing
  • HOCL prevents the production of histamine, a chemical causing skin irritation associated with allergic reactions
  • Aids with reducing inflammation and further skin damage by hindering the growth of bacteria
  • HOCL anti-inflammatory properties also eliminate odours from skin wounds and prevent further damage
  • Only harmful bacteria are killed, leaving beneficial ones to prevent scarring of the skin and improve healing


Because it is inspired by nature, HOCL is the best treatment option to calm and treat rosacea. It is essential to be alert about what you put on your skin.


The body produces HOCL; therefore, it is mild and won't cause agitation to the skin. On the other hand, rosacea has a burning, itching, and stinging quality.


Our Pristine HOCL is a gentle, skin-refreshing, easy-to-apply spray that provides instant relief and is primarily portable, unlike other formulations that can result in further complications.

Why our Pristine is the best eye drop alternative for ocular rosacea

The skin, especially around the eyes, is susceptible, and one must be careful about what to apply. 


HOCL comes in many forms, such as sprays, creams, and serums.


Our Pristine HOCL spray can be used as an eye drop alternative to relieve ocular rosacea in small quantities for effective results.


Spray it directly on your firmly closed eyelids as it is safe and non-scented with benefits including:

  • It soothes dry eyes and cleanses eyelid and eyelash debris
  • It reduces itchiness and alleviates other eyelid and eyelash irritations
  • It facilitates contact lens wearing intolerances and inflammation
  • It has natural properties, perfect for sensitive skin
  • It is alcohol, preservative, and fragrance-free to support healthy eyelids

Final thoughts

Ocular rosacea isn't curable; it is an inflammatory condition causing red eyes but can be relieved with various treatments.


Treatments will be conservative to help keep the eyelids clean and lessen the irritation.


If you develop or experience symptoms of ocular rosacea, have your eyes checked by a doctor for corneal damage.


Immediate treatments reduce possible complication occurrences and increase effectiveness.