Improve your skin's health with Hypochlorous Acid spray (HOCl)

hocl for skin and acne prevention

PurClarity Revitalizing Mist: Hypochlorous Acid for your skin care routine

Skin condition sufferers with diagnosed dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other conditions already deal with a lot because many of these issues can be chronic.  Everyone should reconsider wasting dollars of hard earned money on random OTC products or pharmaceuticals.  Our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist is a natural and effective solution for a daily skin care regime that anyone can use—any skin type or issue! Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) spray might be the solution you’ve been waiting for.   

It is a safe skin care alternative for improving skin health.  The acid is weak; yet it is an effective antimicrobial. It is strong enough to combat chronic or fleeting skin conditions.  Your local emergency room even uses it for top-notch sterile cleaning, but it is still safe for skin conditions that are simple or more problematic.   

What exactly is hypochlorous acid? 

Hypochlorus acid is actually produced in humans, through our immune cells.  It is as natural as using hyaluronic acid—another item we produce to lubricate our joints—which is also used in many skin care lines today.  HOCl is considered one of the weaker acids.  This means it can tackle tough skin problems to environments that need to be sterilized, such as medical offices, hospitals, and other types of health and dental settings.  There are also cleaning supplies with the HOCl, which are safe and effective.

This antimicrobial can also be effective for various bacteria conditions that cause skin irritation, chronic outbreaks of acne, and other upsetting skin conditions, such as dermatitis and psoriasis.  It is safe on not only adults—but also on babies’ faces and bottoms. You don’t need to worry about side effects with our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist.  

Skin conditions our HOCl Mist can remedy for you

There are various skin health conditions that our HOCl mist can target and treat safely and effectively, without more harm to your skin. While cysts and harder to treat acnes, such as chronic acne, can be harder to treat, the HOCl spray can be a great alternative therapy and can be used several times for prevention or daily use.  This means you don’t have to worry about prescription creams or oral medications anymore. 

  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Contact Dermatitis / Diaper rash
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Acne / Chronic acne
  • Rosacea
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin
  • General skin tone / discoloration / uneven areas
  • Mild rashes
  • Stress breakout areas
  • Blind pimples
  • Ingrown hair issues
  • Cysts

Please note: it is best to find out the actual cause of your skin condition.  Many times acne is simply only during puberty, but other individuals can have it for many years into adulthood.  Other people might suffer from health conditions such as stomach and intestinal issues, a lack of nutrition causing deficiencies, and other diseases such as liver conditions, lupus, diabetes and others, that cause various skin ailments.  So, it is best to treat the conditions you have with your medical provider and use the HOCl Mist for addressing chronic face, arms, back and other areas with this natural product.

It is always important to understand your blood work and current health status before any skin treatment or skin care regimen, so you know your best approaches.  Starting PurClarity can help without causing any side effects, like many harsh pharmaceuticals for skin care.  It is recommended to use PurClarity Revitalizing Mist for a gentle and easy option to address your skin issues.  You still need to wash your face, use appropriate cleaners for your skin conditions.

So you know—many times other skin products on the market can sometimes call HOCl—electrolysed water.   

Items to remember regarding PurClarity’s Revitalizing Mist

  • Is equivalent to 270 ppm free available chlorine (FAC) solution
  • Outstanding disinfectant (a low dose of 200 ppm more effective than bleach)
  • Doesn’t cause more irritation to skin issues—simply only attacks the condition you need to treat
  • An EPA registered disinfectant
  • Used for skin health, in many skin care products on the market today, and used in medical and dental facilities; clean at home your bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms and common areas without harsher chemical sprays and other products that can cause allergies or toxic air
  • Used in wound healing
  • Concentration of the solution determines how is can be used

Skin issues and how our HOCl Mist can help

Because your skin already has oils, elements in the environment, bacteria, allergies or other issues based on your genetic make-up can cause outbreaks.  Technically, we all suffer from some form of skin issues which could be mild dryness to severe acne or other breakouts.  These can be scaly, greasy, have pustules, bumps, painful red areas and more—these are all the symptoms of various skin conditions with names behind them—but listen—there is a solution that won’t cause more issues, and that is HOCl PurClarity skin health spray!

Our spray is natural and effective because it is an antimicrobial.  You can use it to target bacteria areas on the skin, no matter what your skin type is.  Still you should continue using prescription or specialized lotions if needed, always continue your cleaning routine whether this is a light scrub or special exfoliate skin products (just make sure your condition isn’t rosacea—scrubs and exfoliators can make acne that is extra prolific or rosacea worse—always consult with a dermatologist to make sure you understand your diagnosed condition when using harsher products even if they are over the counter) or cream cleanser to get rid of extra oils and then use the HOCl spray liberally on your face, neck, shoulders—even in your scalp if you have dandruff or other parts of the skin on your body that need help that won’t harm the skin while it works!  Even if you wear make-up daily, you can still use the spray on areas of the face.

Hypochlorous Acid is used as an antimicrobial. It can rid cells with bacteria at the membrane level, where it creates the skin condition. HOCl can also rid of viruses and fungi, as well as at certain concentration levels. The HOCl can also improve skin tone and feel, because it can purify and cleanse the skin. It is even used in wound care as an anti-infective, and can be used in prevention of skin conditions or surgery preparation.

Areas HOCl can combat

You can use the spray for different issues you might have on your skin.  This isn’t just for individuals with chronic skin conditions.  It can help brighten and clean the skin and improve tone.  It is for all skin types.  Know the main reasons behind using our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist.

  • It’s an antimicrobial (can get rid of bacteria, viruses, fungi/candida)
  • It’s a great anti-inflammation combative product
  • Promotes wound healing in a medical setting

The acid can combat bacteria, viruses, and keep areas on the skin clean without causing harm.  This is also used in environments that are in your home or in businesses, and is safe and effective.  It can eliminate the membrane of bacteria cells. Many skin conditions are also characterized by candida.  This can cause patches, itchy areas, shiny areas, and can cause relentless issues with bacteria as well.  The spray can help reduce fungi related outbreaks as well.

Hypochlorous acid is also essential for skin health because it is great at ridding of inflammation.  Many skin issues have inflammation, which makes then even worse.  You can count on our PurClarity to help improve and eventually rid of irritations that are inflamed that might cause your skin to look worse than it is or chronic skin conditions that are painful and inflamed and red. It works at addressing everything simultaneously to sooth the skin while helping improve inflammatory conditions. The spray can do this because it’s gentle, but high powered solution targets and reduces cytokines that cause inflammation.

The hypochlorous acid is also a promoter of wound healing.  Wound healing is already a trying issue just like chronic skin conditions.  Not only can it prevent and treat infections but can help to clean the wound and promote healing after surgery or a common injury that might not need surgery. 

  • FDA has the acid registered as a Class III medical device—used for wound healing and care.
  • Used for wound healing from 100-200 ppm

Understanding pH levels of HOCl

  • Usually in pH range of 3 to 6 (away from this range it essentially is sodium hypochlorite)
  • When the pH is too high the solution is almost like a full-strength bleach
  • When it has a very low pH—it’s like a low chlorine gas product
  • A pH 5.5 it’s considered 100% Hypochlorous Acid
  • A pH 12 you have nearly 100% sodium hypochlorite
  • Know that when you have a much higher concentration of HOCl whatever product you have will have a much shorter shelf life use.
  • Shelf life for a 0.02% hypochlorous acid product is 1 year from production (always keep in a cooler areas to use longer)

Positives of using Hypochlorous Acid for skin conditions

  • Can lower bacteria load on skin (issues like rosacea and acne)
  • Clean and cleanse areas that are wounds
  • Improve scarring
  • Smooth out skin tons
  • Reduce inflammation on skin from any skin condition
  • Reduce pain (from issues such as seborrheic dermatitis or eczema)
  • Reduce itchy areas
  • Reduce redness

The HOCl spray can improve a variety of skin conditions:

  • Chronic Acne
  • Congested skin
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis

Several awesome benefits HOCl PurClarity skin care spray can provide:

On your face and body it can:

  • Clean, cleanse and purify
  • Prep skin before surgery or other procedures (tattoos, piercings, too!)
  • Soften skin appearance and the texture
  • Relax and soothe skin
  • Reduce itchiness
  • Reduce redness and general irritation
  • Cleans scrapes and cuts
  • Clears congested skin
  • Reduce blemish and breakouts (great tool for prevention)
  • Improves odor from different skin conditions and over production of oil
  • Makes skin feel refreshed
  • Limits pain with bacterial conditions or from wound areas
  • Helps increase skin hydration
  • Increases strength of skin barrier
  • Overall, promotes healthier, cleaner, skin
  • Great for all skin types and all skin conditions, without adding side effects

Yes, you can use it daily and great for any skin type—even the fairest of skin

Our spray can be used daily to improve all skin health issues.  It can address wounds, go over or under make-up, can be used on neck, shoulders, legs, stomach—but most people want it for combating issues on the face.  It doesn’t mean you can’t use it to address other areas. 

Many times health issues can happen on arms or elbows, chest areas and back too.  It is safe and easy to spray and go about your day and not worry about any dangerous side effects occurring on your body or face.  This can happen easily with heavy pharmaceutical creams and oral medications, such as Accutane.  Our PurClarity Revitalizing Mist is the perfect solution for anyone with sensitive skin all the way to the oiliest skin!

Of course, you should always talk to your health care provider about using any new skin care products.  Even though the product is safe and effective, it can still have a mild irritation due to skin health conditions that might be more severe.

OTC supplements that assist in skin health and can help complement the use of our HOCl Mist

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid—comes in liquid or powder form)
  • Or Lipospheric Vitamin C (thicker liquid with fats)
  • B vitamins such as niacin, B6, biotin
  • Alpha lopeic acid
  • MSM
  • Caprylic acid
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Vitamin C and B vitamins such as niacinamide can be quite effective at skin improvement.  Most B vitamins can help improve blood flow and skin tone and nerves to help reduce flushing and overall skin health—a massive issue in society today is blood pressure and diabetes these both are affecting the B vitamins which are directly linked to skin health.  Proper blood flow and the use of that food is needed; B6 is needed for metabolizing food properly so your entire body is assisted and your skin is your largest organ that needs lots of attention.  It needs lots of critical nutrition daily and is essential for improved health conditions and your skin health.   

Biotin is another B vitamin is also great for skin, hair and nail health improvement as well and are in many skin care sprays and creams today.  Vitamin C helps improve skin health because can combat viruses and bacteria and improves your immune function—its high in antioxidants.  Many times immune system health problems stem from gut health conditions and these directly affect the skin.  Blood flow is the key to skin and scalp health—you can improve this by using alpha lopeic acid—great for many health conditions and improving skin. 

Supplements for reducing candida or fungi and can also improve gut and immune health and reduce sugar issues is caprylic acid—another great skin health supplement.  Always take a good multi-vitamin—you can increase these to two or three times a day if you have certain health conditions where higher dosing is warranted—always talk to your alternative M.D. provider about integrative medicine practices at home—in addition to using HOCl spray for your skin conditions.  Using supplements should always be part of your skin health regimen and can also help improve other chronic health conditions as diagnosed by your primary care or specialist M.D. provider. 

Any issues with the product itself—things to keep in mind about storage and so on

HOCl can be sensitive to heat and light.  It can also be sensitive to pH changes.  It is best to keep your HOCl PurClarity Revitalizing Mist in a temperature controlled are that is cooler for effective use of our product.  Never mix it with other products, so you can see its magic. Just be sure to keep your skin washed and dried properly. Some people might need special cleaners or a non-greasy skin friendly lotion with no extras added, like other harsh chemicals or perfumes.

Always take your vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements and current prescription medications for chronic health conditions.  To fully see the spray’s effect, talk to your skin care provider about refraining from medications for skin health, to better see how this effective product can help you improve the quality of your skin without harsh side effects.