What are electrolytes? Why are fulvic and humic acids an electrolyte mixture?

What are electrolyte minerals –amounts that are safe to take--—amounts that are safe to take daily – how it compares to other electrolytes and do others affect skin health the same way?
What are electrolytes?
When you think of electrolytes you might think of a sports drink that helps rehydrate your body when you are sweating a lot after working out, an intense situation, yard work or something else that causes significant sweat—vitamins, minerals and salt leave our bodies.
This is why when you go to an emergency room they usually have a nurse immediately hook you up to an IV bag of saline solution—not just to replenish these salts and minerals but if you need a medication quickly to treat a condition or save your life. A bag of saline alone can help rehydrate the body and get the patient feeling better, if severely dehydrated.
Common electrolytes:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Chloride
- Phosphorus
- Sodium
When you drink a sports drink, you are drinking electrolytes. When we sweat, vitamins, minerals, and various salts are leaving our bodies. We need to replenish them buy consuming sports drinks, taking mineral supplements, or consuming foods that are high in common electrolytes which are:
What do electrolytes do for the body?
Electrolytes have a positive or negative charge when they are put into water. The main reason we need them is they help the body with chemical reactions. They also are needed to help your cells balance fluids inside and out of cells and are a way to understand different medical conditions. When they are too low or too high this can indicate many different diseases. When someone is lacking water in their body they are dehydrated and need more of these different minerals.
There are many minerals that are electrolytes in fulvic and humic acid solution. It is a great idea to consume these acids (not really acids) daily and they can be greatly beneficial if consume in drinks like our new product, Northern Cascades Ancient Minerals Coffee. Not only beneficial for skin health but your gut health and overall well-being.
Minerals: magnesium and potassium in fulvic acid and humic acids
Two of the main ones needed for various functions including regulation of blood pressure, calming nerves, and muscle function are: potassium and magnesium. Many people don’t understand how important these two minerals are and they probably don’t get enough of them in their food.
Foods and drinks high in electrolytes:
- Bananas
- Avocados
- Spinach
- Kale
- Milk
- Sports drinks (Powerade, Gatorade)
- Certain waters combine with some minerals or salts
- Some energy drinks
- Milk
Without those a variety of detrimental issues can happen with the heart, muscles in general in the body, nervous system health and much more. So, if you aren’t taking a specific supplement pill, it would be a great idea to drink some kind of supplement with these minerals and fulvic and humic acid liquids should be considered.
What are the minerals in fulvic acid and which ones are electrolytes
There are several electrolyte minerals in fulvic acid. The main ones are calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, manganese and others. The humic and fulvic acids are broken down from earth’s natural materials in the ocean, woods, compost piles, our gardens and so on, from—dead and decaying materials that turn into a enriched supplement for our plants and other life and ourselves—sold as supplements for not only growing food but for health and well-being of our bodies.
Fulvic and humic acids contain:
- The byproducts is a yellow-brown substance (from sea moss, compost piles, decay plant life and other items that are decaying from life)
- It has 60+ nutrients
- Active compounds
- Many trace minerals—many of which are electrolytes
Various electrolytes found in these acids are and what they accomplish for the body:
Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium
Sodium helps make your cells have fluid balance and also makes them absorb their nutrients. Sodium is also prolific in the body—we need salt in our body—adding actual sea salt or the pink Himalayan kind is a great thing to do to your water body—it’s like having an IV in your arm only you are drinking it. It can reduce inflammation and help you hydrate and great for muscle and nerve function. Don’t over consume salts however; they can raise BP if consumed too much.
The mineral magnesium helps to create the nutrient you consume into energy for your body. Your muscles and your brain need magnesium to function and do their jobs. It is needed for your heart health, blood pressure, nerve health, and brain health. Like magnesium, potassium is needed for your heart to function properly and when you have too much or too little this means serious danger for your heart health.
Calcium, Phosphate, Copper
Another element in fulvic acid is calcium which is needed for your teeth and to maintain strong bones. It also is needed for nervous system function, control your muscles and for your heart. It is also needed for fluid balance and pH balance in the body.
Phosphate is needed for taking the chemical compounds and molecules in your body outside of your cells and help for metabolizing nutrients. The element is also one of the main parts of nucleotides. These make up part of your DNA structure.
Copper is another element in fulvic acid. Like iron it also helps your red blood cells and your nervous system health. It also helps produce ccollagen which is needed for your connective tissue and your bone structure. It is also needed for immune system function and is needed for your body to absorb iron.
Iron and Zinc
Along with copper, iron is also an essential element needed for red blood cell production. It also helps healing and reducing inflammation in the body. It’s a part of hemoglobin and a protein in red blood cells that takes oxygen to your lungs and all around the entire body. You become tired if there aren’t enough red blood cells to take the oxygen where it needs to go.
Fulvic and humic acids also contain the mineral, zinc. The trace mineral is essential for nearly tons of enzymes. They are needed for many critical chemical reactions in the body. It is also needed in the creation of DNA and for protein building, healing tissue and reducing inflammation as well as for cellular growth. It is a critical trace mineral for improving overall immune system function and usually is a key mineral to take when you’re feeling sick just before a cold or flu happens—but it is best to keep up with vitamins and minerals as prevention tactics, for daily use. This is why consuming fulvic and humic acids are great for daily health and wellness supplements.
What is electrolyte imbalance mean?
- Too much sweating
- Not eating enough
- Not consuming enough water or liquids
- Diuretics
- Laxatives
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Kidney issues
- Heart issues like, congestive heart failure
How to maintain balance
When you eat a good diet of proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids—all from the right vegetables, some dairy, some meats, fruits and drinks that are health or simply enough water you can consume the right amount of minerals you need that are deemed, electrolytes. Having too many electrolytes (like consuming too many potassium pills) can cause serious issues with your heart) could cause issues with your muscles, nervous system, heart, red blood vessels, and so on. Understand your blood levels and have your doctor take blood work at least two times a year or if you are having problems and think something isn’t right.
Too high electrolyte levels
- Regularly drinking or taking electrolytes can cause: hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, or hypercalcemia (or too much sodium, potassium, or calcium in blood)