What are phytochemical compounds --- and what is in fulvic and humic acids

PurClarity Elixir can help you boost your vitamin, mineral, amino acid levels
Many of us don’t consume enough nutrients in our foods. From medications to illnesses and processed foods causing inflammation, chronic infections, and gut problems that cause us to not be able to absorb all the nutrients we do consume. This is why it’s so important to consume quality, medicines that are packed with nutrients that can absorb easily such as our fulvic and humic acid PurClarity Elixir. It can not only help your skin, but starts gut deep.
It is packed with trace minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other phytochemical compounds that can improve your overall health, —these are the phytonutrients you’ve been missing for your entire body and can help you get your gut health back, improve your skin health and can improve blood pressure, brain health, muscle and nerve health and much more.
You can use our product as a great alternative to buying many different mineral supplements for various health issues. Of course, if you need more of a certain supplement for example: like magnesium you may want to continue purchasing it because it has medicinal power all on its own. Always talk to you doctor before adding or eliminating or switching doses on a supplement.
Our Elixir can address many issues:
- Improve skin health
- Skin tone
- Improve cellular function and cellular age
- Stabilize issues from hyperpigmentation
What are phytochemical components and where are they found?
They are bioactive compounds of plants, sometimes are called phytonutrients, and are beneficial for many different health conditions because they improve inflammation, reduce infection, can be anticancer among many other serious health benefits. Sometimes they have harmful traits however; they can be utilized in many health related ways.
The phytochemicals include:
- Flavonoids
- Glucosinolates
- Organosulfur compounds
- Saponins
- Monoterpenes
- Sesquiterpenes
- Capsaicinoids
- Capsinoids
They can be found in many plant foods and are able to help as a prevention tool for diseases and are typically in high rich nutrient foods.
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Beans
- While grains
- Nuts
- Seeds
What are Flavonoids and what foods they are in?
Flavonoids are usually certain fruits and leafy greens that provide anti-inflammatory properties and other vitamins and minerals. They can be great for treating allergies, skin conditions, and even cancer and other health conditions causing the body severe inflammation.
They are usually in:
- Onions
- Berries (blueberries)
- Cherries
- Soybeans
- Cirrus fruits
- Lefty vegetables
- Teas
- Wine
What are glucosinolates and how they are healthy?
Glucosinolates are sounds in cabbage, horseradish, and mustard plants. They are usually strong scented and medicinal value is when they are cut or chewed. They are all very high in a variety of vitamins, minerals and are also great for lowering inflammation as well as helpful in weight loss and cabbage when fermented can also be a great probiotic.
What are organosulfur compounds and what are their health benefits?
These are compounds that have sulfur in them. Sulfur is a known cellular rejuvenator, this is what MSM powder is derived from—it lowers inflammation. While typically sulfur has a disgustingly foul smell, some sweet derivatives come from it and the element is critical for all life to thrive.
Organosulfur compounds have many kinds of health benefits including:
- Antioxidant
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-bacterial
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol and lipids
- Reduce risk of diabetes
What are saponins and what health benefits do they have?
Saponins or called triterpene glycosides, are toxic organic chemicals from plants that are made of foam when in water. They are mostly found in soapwort which is a flowering plant and the soapbark tree.
Saponins foods high in phytochemicals:
- Soybeans
- Peas
- Horse chestnut
- Yams
- Quinoa
- Whole grains
Saponins benefit your health:
- Immune system improving
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-bacterial
- Found in starfish and cucumbers
- Improve cardiovascular health
- Used in vaccine formulas to regulate immune system function
- Inhibit tumor growth
- Use in soaps, shampoos
- Used in cleaning supplies
- Use in some make-up
- Reduce risk of cancer
- lower cholesterol
- Improve obesity
Monoterpenes and some health benefits
They are in fruits and vegetables. These are common ones monoterpenes are in:
- Lemons
- Pine nuts
- Limes
- Mangos
- Citrus oils
- Juniper oils
- Fir oils
- Spruce oils
- Pine oils
Lemons are powerful antimicrobials and antioxidants. They improve immune function and rid of free radicals in the body. They can help reduce risk of cancer and heart disease. Pine nuts are good for improving lung function and help reduce mucus build up. They are great for the skin and can be in many different products such as bug spray, cleaners and other similar products. Fir, spruce and pine oils are great disinfectants and they also can be helpful for improving hair follicles (helping to control hair loss), housecleaners, and addressing wounds (like snake bites). These oils are also great at reducing anxiety. Most commonly everyone knows these scents as winter candle scents or from air fresheners.
What are sesquiterpenes?
They are in fungi and marine organisms. These compounds occur as in oxygenated forms (lactones, alcohols, acids, aldehydes, and ketones) or as hydrocarbons. They help to reduce the harm and damage done to cells after a microbial attack.
For health they are:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Cardiovascular support
- Can improve GI health
- Can be anti-cancer
What are capsasinoids?
The capsaicinoids are known for being pungent. They are usually hot and can be found in peppers. Heat is measured by the Scoville heat units scale and this is done to look at how concentrated the pepper is.
What are capsinoids and how are they good for your health?
Capsinoids, also have to do with peppers. They can be referred to as: capsiate, dihydrocapsiate, and nordihydrocapsiate. These are the substances that are in chili peppers. There are several health benefits to capsinoids.
These include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-cancer
- Analgesic properties
Helps with weight loss (always talk to your doctor or dietitian, this can help, but should probably only be used in a capsule form and monitored, has similar benefits like turmeric or curcumin, for lowering inflammation and helping weight loss). Also, too much pepper or hot food can contribute to GI problems if overdone—like gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining, can also cause heartburn in some people and contribute to skin condition rosacea – before adding hot peppers to any dish, dip or other supplement, always discuss this with your doctor).
Picking a supplement that works well for your entire body
Integrative medicine today is important—we need our vitamins, minerals, amino acids, healthy fats and other ways of supplementing nutrition. This helps your entire body from gut health to your skin. Knowing you have a premier health supplement like PurClarity Elixir filled with vitamins and minerals many tons of other nutritional value that can only positively impact your health and wellness.
You can use the Elixir daily with any beverage of your choosing, but it’s best to use in water. If you are a coffee drinker, you should also help out your immune system, decrease inflammation and contribute wonders to your skin health by consuming our Northern Cascades Ancient Mineral Coffee.
Benefits of our coffee:
- Improve immune function and gut
- Decrease anxiety
- More attention, focus
- Could help with weight loss
- May help diabetes
- Improve different kinds of skin conditions
- Detox and much more