What is Humic acid? How is it developed, uses in medicine and skin health

Breaking down of dead plant life and other matter—humic acid and how can it benefit us?
When you hear the phrase, Circle of life, this is how you should think about humic acid. The elements have broken down and become beneficial for other life as they die. So, therefore, the circle or cycle of living things continues; old matter helps new matter to rejuvenate new life forms.
Humic and fulvic acids aren’t actually acids, they are the by products that are created during the breakdown of this process of deal material. These are highly beneficial for skin health and many other parts of health and well-being as a supplement because they contain various elements, minerals, and nutrients. You can purchase them in liquid form or powder form as supplements to your regular diet or they can be in skin care products to improve certain skin health conditions. They are helpful if you aren’t consuming rich in mineral foods like certain vegetables.
Humic acid is actually alkaline. It is large molecules developed by plant and other decaying materials. It contains several minerals and other components can be great for skin, GI and other health. The supplement can also improve the immune system and be beneficial in other areas of wellness.
Medicinal benefits of humic acid:
- Skin health improvement
- Digestion can become better with the supplement
- General GI health improvement
- Well-being is enhanced
- Can rejuvenate cells
- Immune system improvements
- Rids of viruses and bacteria
Humic acid contains:
- Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen
- Potassium and Magnesium
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Phosphorus and sulfur, both are less than 1 % in the acid
What the various trace minerals do for your skin health, that are in humic acid
The decomposition of plants highly benefits the soil and the effects of the humid acid can be also a great, positive effect on your skin health and more. Many people try to find products that supplement our bodies for health in addition to consume healthy foods filled with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that help lower inflammation in the body like, quercetin—a bioflavonoid.
Humic acid, while it is a molecule, is considered an electrolyte and is considered a phytonutrient and is a dark color. It contains elements that are great for lowering inflammation, improving tone, healing organs at the cellular level.
Trace minerals that address skin issues and other organs
If you aren’t consuming mineral rich foods, then taking a humic acid supplement can be beneficial for many different areas of your health. Gastrointestinal health and wellness is also ultra-important for your immune function and skin health to be on point. Trace minerals are also beneficial for heart health and circulation, lowering inflammation in the body and improving a variety of chronic health conditions and more.
While phosphorous and sulfur are only a tiny amount of the humic acid byproduct they are both great cellular rejuvenators and help improve skin in many ways. Phosphorous can grow skin, maintain skin because it repairs cells and tissues—it can help your nails, hair and your skin—just like sulfur.
Potassium is needed for blood pressure but is also can help your skin retain moisture and can help it be more supple. Magnesium and zinc are needed for immune function, heart health and skin health. Magnesium helps the inflammation response, improves relaxation and blood pressure. Potassium, like magnesium is also an important mineral for heart health and circulation support which helps heal skin and improve skin as well. Taking zinc is needed for immune health but it also can help lower inflammation on skin while it can address various infections and improve immune function. Zinc is in every cell in the body.
What the microbes in humic acid do for digestion
The microbes in humic and fulvic acid are great because they provide good bacteria into our guts. It helps with digestion. Understanding how probiotics are essential is key. Too much bad bacteria can override good bacteria—consuming too much sugar foods can cause this to taking too many antibiotics each year.
You want a balance of bacteria in the gut to fight infections from taking over the body and creating illness. If you consume enough vitamins, minerals and microbes that help you stay healthy and have a positive balance of out bacteria you can also improve skin health. Most GI health issues are the catalysts for causing skin problems from eczema to psoriasis, even acne.
Humic acid is in:
- Soil (From fruit trees, other vegetation)
- Peat moss
- Oceans (Seaweed)
- Fresh water
- The earth’s crust had layers originally that gave off this acid. The layers are called, Leonardite or can also be called, sedimentation layers. Over time, they became surface material
Using humic acid as a supplement if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or have an autoimmune disease?
If someone if pregnant or going to be breast-feeding it is best to not consume humic acid. Not a lot is known about using it during these times. If you have an autoimmune disease like: Lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis or something else, the supplement may make your immune system to more active and could actually cause more problems with the autoimmune disease. More symptoms could happen. Some research has shown that it is safe to consume humic acid but in higher amounts you should probably consult your doctor.
Talk to an OBGYN if you are planning on becoming pregnant so you know which supplements are beneficial to you and your baby. Also, you might want to consult a dietitian or an alternative or integrative M.D. if you want to begin using humic or fulvic acids for essential minerals.
Currently, not enough studies have been done looking at using these acids during pregnancy. However, if you are only using a topical product containing humic acid on your face, it is most likely safe to use because it isn’t going internally.
Humic acid vs. Fulvic acid: what is the difference between the two?
They are both byproducts from decaying material—found in the ocean, in the woods, in your garden, etc. Fulvic acid is water soluble and has a variety of different pH levels. On the other hand, humic acids are insoluble and are below a pH of 2; however at higher pH levels they are soluble in water. They both contain a variety of minerals that are skin beneficial and both used in various skin care products including PurClarity Elixir.
Humic acid benefits for skin
- Can help exfoliate skin and help new cells appear
- Can help reduce free-radicals that can cause damage on the skin
- Help improve redness
- Reduce inflammation
- Even out skin tone
- Improve moisture
Use our PurClarity Elixir Fulvic Humic Acids can help improve skin quality
Just like our HOCl PurClarity Revitalizing Mist, our Elixir is also a product you can use many times a week, liberally that will only improve your skin problems. It doesn’t matter what your skin condition is—it can be helped!
If your skin quality bothers you with any skin condition our fulvic and humic acid containing Elixir can help improve many areas. Our Elixir won’t dry out your skin—it will keep it moisturized and healthy, as well as promote healing and address anything that is rough, damaged and also be a prevention tool for your skin.
- Trace minerals target better skin
- Improves many areas of your skin health: tone, elasticity, soften texture, improve moisture, and much more!
- Not harsh or damaging
- Work with your skin condition
- Awesome for different kinds of dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and more
- Low cost
- Use our Elixir daily without drying out your skin